Motel 6 Anchorage - Midtown

5000 A STREET,

$89.99 /night

Property Location

-Url:www.Motel6.Com-en-motels.Ak.Anchorage.4216.Html.- Anc-anchorage intl airport..........3.2 MI-5.1km.-Location description-motel 6 anchorage is located 2.9 miles southeastof downtown anchorage..motel 6 anchorage midtown welcomes guests 24 hoursa day with a comfortable pet friendly environment.Dine nearby at sourdough mining co. Serranosmexican grill or gourmet flavor pasta co. Explorean array of scenic tour options bus and trainrides and bicycle rentals for a memorable alaskanadventure. Relax and enjoy free wi-fi and morningcoffee in all modern guest rooms..Attractionsattractions-alaska zoo 6.0 MI 9.7 KM -local-alaska regional hospital 4.0 MI -6.4 KMuniversity of alaska anchorage 2.7 MI -4.3 KM.

Amenity Information

.- 85 rooms - 3 floors - interior corridors.Recreation facilities-conveniently located near several area restaurantsfast food through fine dining.....Charges may apply for some recreation facilities.Contact hotel for informationcharges may apply for some property services andrecreation facilities. Contact hotel forinformation.Services--coffee -disabled parking-local calls -parking-parking lot -wake up calls

Security Information

-Alarms monitored -audible alarms-smoke alarms in halls -smoke alarms in rooms-smoke alarms public -smoke alarm hard wiredareas-elevator recall -dead bolts-electronic keycards -emergency evac plan-emergency info in rooms -exit signs lit-exit doors auto lock -fire extinguishers in halls-secondary locks -rooms have viewports-self closing doors -locks on glass doors-multiple exits per floor-parking areas lit-safety compliant -room windows open-door safety chains -secondary window locks-staff trained to dup -24 hr video surveillancekeys-cctv in public areas -well lit walkways-brailleelevator.

Extra Person Information

Ex 5.00usd ra-rc 10.00usd cr n-a
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