Hilton Garden Inn Queens/JFK
About Hotel
Busy businesspeople and leisure travelers alike will be happy to discover all they need at the Hilton Garden Queens/JFK Airport hotel to make their vacation to New York City and Kennedy Airport enjoyable and restful. Free airport transportation is available; please contact the hotel to arrange for pickup at Federal Circle Pickup Area. Free 24-hour business center available Free use of the fitness center and Stay Fit kits A Garden Sleep System Bed is available in every king room. You won't want to leave New York City Packages since they are so cozy. Free wireless internet access is available all around the hotel. Every guest room has a microwave and refrigerator. Room service in the evening Pavilion Pantry is a 24-hour convenience store. Every weekday morning, Pavilion Lounge Great American Grill USA Today. Whether you're organizing a class reunion or a business meeting Knowing that by selecting the hotel, you will look excellent for any reunion, athletic event, anniversary, or religious celebration. We have 1200 square feet of meeting and banquet space with four cutting-edge conference rooms that can accommodate groups of five to 65 people. Small meeting expert with reasonably priced services Dedicated sales staff that pays attention to details cutting-edge technologies. On-site catering offering a variety of exquisite meal options to suit any budget. For your conference or function, you can select from our beverage and snack menus in addition to our breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus.
You can easily reach a lot of New York City's attractions and locations from our hotel. 15 miles from Manhattan and New York City attractions; 0.5 miles from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) Brooklyn 7 is 4 kilometers away.kilometers from Citi Field to the USTA National Tennis Center, the site of the US Open Tennis Yankee Stadium is fourteen miles away. Madison Square Garden and the Jacob Javits Convention Center are fifteen miles apart. Reachable from the JFK Air Train, the Belt Parkway, and the 678 Van Wyck Expressway